Plains Rangers 2018

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The line up on day one 2018!
Back row: Ali Scott, Petir Gray, Ryan Elliot, Jason Pullar, Christian Wetting, Juan Propato, Xavier Bain, Sione Lotu, Matt Dalgity
Front row: Hamish Wilde, Levi Riri, Chris Butler, Samuel Christieson, Husnul Gray, Carl Imlig, Ronan Mitchell.

Back row: Chris Butler(coach), Ranee Whiting, Mikaela Mathis, Emma Bradnock, Radhika Arulambalam, Rachel Elliot, Rhylee Mahy, Gemma Stuckey, Jason Pullar (coach)
Front row: Shayna Penberth, Jenny McIntyre, Amber McKenzie, Caitlin Stuckey, Joe Ingle, Cassidy Spillman, Samantha Burr, Laura Powick, Mishka Barry