Plains Rangers 2017

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Back row: Carl Imlig, James Hart, Andy Willis, Hamish Wilde, Ali Scott, Tobias Berger, Peter Kirkbride, Sione Lotu, Jason Pullar, Aaron Muggeridge, Chris Butler
Front row: Christian Wetting, Barrie Hawkes, Jordan Ogilvy, Levi Riri, Husnul Gray, Samuel Christiesen, Jamaal James, Petir Gray, Ranui Renata, Matt Eveleens.
Absent: Matt Dalgity
Below: the team at Taupo.

Here is half of the Rangers team: Carl, Samuel, Husnul, Wetts, Sione, James, Andy, Pete.
Jezza, Jords, Pesalili, Chris, Ben and Bazza.